Make an Appointment – Netcare Linmed Hospital
Netcare Linmed Hospital
5 Hull Road
General X-rays
X-Rays are a basic and often essential means of imaging of bony structures, joints, the chest and abdomen.
Seen as the baseline imaging study by many, it is low-cost and yet very effective.
Ultrasound is like X-Ray imaging, a basic but essential very safe imaging modality. Where as X-Ray imaging is useful for imaging of bones and joints, and the abdomen or chest, Ultrasound is used for soft tissue imaging and plays a complimentary role in abdominal imaging. It is also used for muscular structures, joints and vascular imaging studies.
CT Scans
CT (computerized tomography) is used in imaging of the chest, abdomen , brain, spine, limbs and hands, and feet. It is used by all specialties and often in case of complex or undetected bony injuries. It features strongly in the initial workup of the severly injured. It can follow after initial assessment with X-Rays or Ultrasound studies. We use high-end CT equipment for our studies, with 64 slice CT machines being our main workhorses. We have a 256 slice Philips CT at Unitas, for general CT and high-end imaging, such as perfusion CT of the brain.
This is an unmissable examination in Oncology assessments and will be obtained to stage and monitor the cancer.
MRI Scans
MRI is a high-end imaging modality to image brain structures, spinal structures, joints and muscles as well as organs such as the liver to a high level of detail. It can follow initial CT imaging or plain film imaging, where more detail is required.
We use modern 1.5 Tesla MRI machines for most studies, but if needed, a 3 Tesla MRI can be performed at our Unitas Branch for specific indications such as tractography, spectroscopy, functional brain MRI or high-end MSK imaging. We can perform dynamic MRI of the spine, at our Club practice.
Digital Mammography
Our Digital Mammography system raises the standard of breast screening in our community and allows our physicians to detect and diagnose breast cancer earlier and more precisely. Digital Mammography provides a sharper (higher contrast) image compared to conventional mammograms.We have breast tomography available where needed. Vacuum assisted core biopsies, or any other breast biopsies, can be done per request.
Bone Densitometry
Bone densitometry (DEXA) is an x-ray technology that is used to measure loss of bone density. DEXA is used to diagnose osteoporosis, a condition that more often affects women after menopause but may also be found in older men, where the bones become fragile and susceptible to injury. A DEXA test can be used to assess a patient’s risk for developing fractures, and determine if preventative treatment is needed.
Flouroscopy Studies
This uses realtime X-Ray imaging, combined with contrast media to obtain imaging of certain structures such as the oesophagus, stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder and even the spinal canal or blood vessels. This is done in our department on an inpatient or outpatient basis.
For a full detailed vascular analysis, the more advanced DSA technique at intervention department, Unitas, should be obtained.